Valley Homes townhouse development Wallsend

Location is key when building a townhouse


The Hunter Valley region offers something for every possible lifestyle: wide open spaces to breathe and grow, world class vineyards, close proximity to the coast, the vibrant university city of Newcastle and it’s beaches, diverse and expanding opportunities for employment, plus an easy two hour expressway drive to Sydney. The appeal of the Hunter Valley is huge and it’s no surprise that savvy investors and property developers are seeking land here for a multi unit developments

If property development is something you’ve also been considering, whether it’s a townhouse or triplex in an urban or regional setting, then this month’s blog is for you. It’s packed full of great tips on how to select the right location in the Hunter Valley.

Location is everything!

Big, bold plans like a multi unit development are something to get excited about and the wise property developer must have a clear vision about the project. Whether your goal is to sell or rent your properties, it’s important to consider who you’re building for and ensure that this is compatible with the demographics of the area in which your block of land is located.

If you’re yet to buy land for your multi unit development then take the time to visit several suburbs to determine which area meets your requirements. Here are some questions to consider as you look around:

Is there a demand for multi unit developments or are they in over-supply? Does the area offer good public transport services? If you choose to build in a rural area is there a reliable train service as an alternative to long distance driving?

Consider amenities and services: are supermarkets and health services within relatively close proximity? What sort of recreational facilities does the area offer? Is there easy access to open or green spaces? Does the neighbourhood have a friendly atmosphere? Remember, your aim is to ensure your multi unit development is marketable. 

It’s also worth considering the micro-climate of the area. By chatting to residents you can discover whether there’s a history of flooding, bushfire and drought. How has town planning responded to this, as well as mitigating the potential impact of climate change.

Are there any local sources of smells or pollution? Check for any development applications for industrial projects that could impact the area.

Valley Homes Port Stephens Newcastle Maitland builder
Home investment property development goals
Best Home Builders Hunter Valley

Research the local council regulations

Once you’ve narrowed down your preferred area educate yourself about the local council’s planning controls. The NSW Planning Portal will help you identify a property and access the relevant council planning controls to assist you in preparing a development application. Some councils also offer pre development application assistance. It’s worth taking a look at the relevant council website and make the most of all they have on offer.

Each council has specific guidelines on the minimum size of land for subdivision, restrictions on building heights, environmental protection and zoning.

Many councils have developed character studies of suburbs, particularly older, inner city suburbs. Is your design sympathetic to the character of the neighbourhood? You have a better chance of receiving approval from both council and your neighbours by taking this into consideration.

Newcastle council has placed a large focus of its Housing Strategy on creating more diverse and affordable housing in medium density suburbs. The council recognises a need for apartments, duplexes, triplexes and townhouses in identified growth corridors and has facilitated the growth in Developments Applications accordingly. 

Does your dream match your block of land?

Once you have a clear understanding of council regulations take a realistic look at your prospective block of land. Evaluate the site for aspect, drainage, views and climate. Determine utilities accessibility and whether your land contains easements? Consider how to best maximise the land to increase it’s value. Is it better to build two three bedroom townhouses or a triplex of two bedroom units?

Consider how each dwelling can be orientated on the land to achieve effective solar access or cooling breezes. Will there be enough space for setbacks, parking, driveways and private open space?

Remember to take a look over the fence and consider if there’s potential for future development that could impact your property.

Does it add up?

Perhaps the most important point is to ensure your multi unit development is a feasible investment. After all, this is the reason you’re building in the first place. This will be determined by calculating building costs, your loan structure, the number of properties and resale value of each property. Doing your homework on the financials can potentially save you thousands in the long-term, so it’s worth doing right. In the current environment of rising interest rates and inflationary pressures on building materials, it’s crucial to consider this into your budget equation – you’ll find further information about this in our article Factoring all costs when building a new home or investment.

Get the right support

Valley Homes is in the business of designing and building top quality multi unit developments – but we can also work with any plans you may already have. We’ve been working with councils in the Hunter Valley for over 50 years and pride ourselves on keeping abreast with council processes to reduce the stress for you. Take advantage of the expertise on offer with Valley Homes and let us transform your multi unit development vision into a reality. Call us today.

Dual Occupancy Newcastle

Factoring all costs building a new home or investment


How does the construction boom effect my home build?

Let’s start with the good news: Australia is going through a construction boom. As of February 2022 there were 18,448 applications for the HomeBuilder grant that the Australian Government had established during the pandemic to encourage confidence in residential construction.

As a result of this encouraged construction, there’s now a lot of competition for labour and building supplies. That’s the not-so-good news. There are a variety of factors that have created this shortage of building materials and increased construction costs:

  • the ‘Black Summer’ bushfires of early 2020 saw the destruction of vast quantities of local hardwood and softwood
  • associated costs due to the COVID-19 pandemic including supply chain delays as well as labour shortages because of travel restrictions
  • constraints on international freight costs as well as production shortages resulted in a decrease in imported building materials such as steel, timber and electrical products

What’s the word across the housing industry?

There’s been ongoing concern over recent years about the challenge of building price rises and the housing industry is in agreement: costs are high and it’s hard to say when they’ll halt.

The Australian Bureau of Statistics, Producer Price Index for the period December 2021 recorded that input and output prices of construction industries had risen dramatically across the previous year. “Input prices to house construction rose 12.0%, due to Timber, board and joinery (+18.4%) and other metal products (+13.2%). Investment in the residential sector and strong activity due to government funding in infrastructure is driving demand for labour. Supply shortages and rising freight costs have resulted in upward price pressure for materials.”

In 2021, Tim Reardon, the Housing Industry Association chief economist advised that there would be ongoing delays to home building across the country due to a shortage of building materials.

Core Logic, leading provider of property data and analytics in Australia and New Zealand observed that, across Australia last year, building costs rose 7.3%. Core Logic’s research director, Tim Lawless recently shared these insights.

“With some materials such as timber and metal products reportedly remaining in short supply, there is the possibility some residential projects will be delayed or run over budget.

“With such a large rise in construction costs over the year, we could see this translating into more expensive new homes and bigger renovation costs.”

Weathering the storm

With rain from this month’s East Coast low hammering Queensland and NSW, a weather analogy might be quite appropriate: If you were to sail out of port knowing there may be storms ahead, you’d listen to the shipping news, take necessary precautions such as life jackets and most importantly you’d ensure you had an experienced skipper on board. 

A way forward

We’ve been through tough times before and the reality is: the construction of houses never stops. So, how does the home builder navigate these seemingly dark times and forge ahead? Our advice is first, arm yourself with knowledge – get informed. Reading this article is a great start! Understand the variety of current issues affecting construction costs related to building a new home to ensure you’re informed and you’re aware of the risks. 

Secondly, seek out a trustworthy and experienced builder who will communicate clearly with you and be sure you agree to a building contract that will protect all parties. It’s the life jacket for everyone.

Keeping it real

While you’re investigating it’s important to be wary of builders who are tendering on jobs at a preliminary stage without factoring any known or anticipated supplier price rises, only to lump clients with these price increases at contract stage. This approach leaves clients in a position where potentially they cannot afford to build after going through the entire pre-construction planning process. 

Valley Homes takes a different approach. Our estimators are in constant communication with our long-term suppliers and any anticipated price increases are being factored into our preliminary pricing. We also explain to clients that our preliminary pricing is subject to supplier price rises – including frames, trusses and roofing. Once the job is repriced prior to contracts being issued this becomes a fixed price contract, with the difference of any provisional sum allowances reflected in the final invoice.

How are Valley Homes addressing supply shortages?

We know that a major concern this construction boom presents for home builders is the shortage of building materials that can potentially cause delays adding to build times. Valley Homes’ longevity in the industry and loyalty over the years to our local suppliers gives us priority for supply of materials. This is a real positive for our customers.

Enjoy the benefits of experience

Valley Homes is the Hunter Valley and Newcastle builder who has weathered industry storms and not only survived but continued to thrive because we seek the perfect balance between best design practices and cost efficiency ensured by working with our local suppliers

In this current environment Valley Homes is the builder you can trust to communicate clearly with you through every stage of the development.

If you have any further questions about the current building climate – Call us today and let Valley Homes help you navigate your way through the process of building a new home.

Find out more

Read the HIA guide on why your house is taking longer to build and is costing more

Download HIA guide on current build times and rising costs

BulBul duplex design Hunter Valley



It’s no surprise that when it comes to property development, so many investors choose to build a duplex for their first build. The main benefit of building a duplex is that it doubles the equity of your property without doubling the investment cost, so you can secure strong returns with a relatively lower risk.

The cost to build a duplex is usually cheaper than building two houses, the build duration is less and because both dwellings are on the same block, the land costs less than two separate lots. Furthermore, you have the opportunity to enjoy dual income should you choose to rent out your new properties, or benefit from the sale of one or both of the properties.

Understandably, first time investor builders have so many questions about the duplex build process so we’d like to alleviate unnecessary fears by stepping you through each stage.

1. Are you in a strong position to invest in property development?

Before embarking on any investment it’s essential to determine the state of your finances and calculate exactly how much money you may need to borrow. It’s important to arrange pre-approval on your finance or funding, potentially with a broker that has experience securing finance for residential construction.

2. Location, location, location!

With finances secure, now you need to buy the right block of land with the following specifics required to ensure that the duplex build process goes smoothly. The ideal block for a duplex will need to be a flat block or have a slight fall to the street (ideal for stormwater drainage) with at least a 17m wide frontage. Corner blocks offer dual frontage (one unit facing each street).
Before you hand over your deposit, check with council as to whether the block is zoned for a dual occupancy development.

3. Measuring up

Arrange a Contour & Detail survey of the block via a surveyor. This captures size, dimensions, fall and location of services to the block.

4. Sales Plan

If it’s a new residential lot, or unregistered land, a sales plan of the block is initially all that’s required to start planning the build.

5. Choose a reputable and experienced builder

Make sure you do extensive research to find a local, reputable and experienced builder who you can trust to build your investment property. It’s important to contract a builder that specialises in dual occupancy developments to commence the design process. An experienced dual occupancy builder will manage the design, planning, subdivision, lodgement of development application to council, new water and sewer connection points if applicable, and Construction Certificate prior to construction commencing.

6. Pre-construction phase

Your builder will issue a Preliminary Tender based on concept plans. Once you accept this tender and commit to your builder of choice, they will proceed with preparation of the DA (Development Approval) plans and lodgement to council.

Once the DA consent is received, your builder will begin preparation of CC (Construction Certificate) plans and documents for your CC application, including slab and structural engineering plans.

7. More official business

Now’s the time to finalise selections for the kitchens, bathrooms, flooring, paint colours and finishes. Minor works plumbing will have been completed (new water and sewer connection point to the proposed 2nd lot, if the development is a Torrens title subdivision), Construction Certificate approved by a private certifier and your lender will have issued an Authority to Commence Construction notice.

The Contract Tender & building contracts are prepared when the Construction Certificate is issued and your colour selections have been finalised.

8. Now for the fun part: the build commences!

At this stage clients will be notified of their site supervisor and the project construction gets underway. The contract period for construction commences and the progress schedule includes:

  • Installation of concrete slab
  • Timber frame & trusses
  • Brickwork, windows & roof covering
  • Interior linings and mouldings
  • Completion

Note: progress claims are made via your lender at each of these stages.

9. Final business

Depending on your investment strategy, once the build is complete, you may need to:

  • Implement your insurance cover
  • Refinance the loan to take out equity, purchase a property or pay down other debt
  • Line up a real estate agent to manage the property if one or both units will be leased, or make arrangements to sell
  • Arrange a depreciation report for your tax return (if you will be leasing)

We’re here to help you through the process

With such an extensive check list it’s understandable that many first-time investors feel overwhelmed and seek the support of Valley Homes, the Hunter Valley builder with over 50 years’ experience in the building industry.

We can provide a range of a range of duplex plans can be modified to suit your budget and your block of land. The Valley Homes team even liaise with Council, manage all paperwork and applications including your Strata or Torrens title subdivision, coordinate all trade contractors and everything else in the tender to take the stress away for you and reduce the duplex build cost.

If you’re keen to get started in investment property development and want to build a duplex in either the Hunter Valley, Lake Macquarie, Newcastle or Port Stephens regions, call the local specialist Valley Homes to take you through every step of the duplex build process. We look forward to helping you step onto the property development ladder.

Our duplex designs


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Home investment property development goals



Launch the new year by making inspired plans and property goals that set the tone for your financial future. The last few years have left us feeling like we’ve been living though the film, Groundhog Day – we all desperately need to press that re-set button and set our sights ahead.

For your benefit, our team has researched all the 2022 trends to provide you with a wealth of ideas and all the inspiration to make this year a time to refresh at home and plant the seeds for your building and investing ambitions.

Wellbeing – the key focus for 2022

Living in a time of COVID 19 has increased the need to sustain our mental and physical wellbeing, and as we’re still spending a vast majority of our time at home, we need to consider how best we can see this integrated into house design principles.

Biophilic design is all about incorporating nature into our homes. Think large windows opening to courtyard gardens and atriums, skylights to changing cloudscapes, flourishing indoor plants, green walls cascading with foliage. Views and vignettes that invite your eyes and mind to rest. Don’t worry if you’re not a green thumb – it’s not all about plants! Read on for more inspiration.

Valley Homes acreage builder Newcastle

Bring the outdoors in

With strict lockdowns having lifted, people have relished being in the great outdoors and, as a result of this, the trend is to surround ourselves with natural fibres and textures. Terracotta tiles from the patio and entertainment area will lead indoors to living spaces and kitchens. Stone benches and timber finishes are also set to feature more in this year’s new home designs. Be a little playful with textures by integrating organic shapes into your interior design from curves in furniture and benches to collections of shapely stones and shells.

When it comes to the paintwork, 2022 paint trends favour warmer, earthy tones of soft creams and pale blushes instead of the previously popular greys and whites. Blue has been bumped from star palette position with green now the trending colour for 2022. That’s every shade from deep, restful jade to energising lime, sophisticated emerald, Tuscan olive and fresh mint.

There’s a beneficial association with the colour green because it’s predominant in the natural environment. Green brings to mind all the positives we associate with nature: growth, Spring, freshness and renewal which in turn evokes a sense of peace and calm.

Whether we’re working or playing at home, biophilic principles help reduce stress, create a sense of restful ease and wellbeing.

green palette nature interior

Sustainability is key

More than a trend, sustainability is a priority, and this is not only reflected in the choice of materials used in new home designs. For many looking to build a new home there’s a strong desire is to contract a local builder who works with local suppliers thus reducing transport and creating a smaller carbon footprint. Throughout Newcastle and the Hunter Valley region, Valley Homes has long standing supplier connections and a reputation for experience and expertise in designing and building energy efficient homes.

Multi-functional spaces

Working from home continues to be a big part of our lives in 2022. After establishing offices and study zones throughout our houses, there’s now an increased demand for designing more adaptable spaces. People want to feel like they can escape the office – at home – and so we’re seeing more visual separation in shared spaces. Divider tactics are making good use of vertical space with shelving and ladders around doors and within the room. Library nooks, music hubs and quiet spaces to nurture the soul are also 2022 trends.

Valley Homes multi unit townhouse development Kahibah Newcastle

Get the ball rolling on your property goals

Big ideas like these require the right builder who really understands the cost to a build house or build an investment property. Whatever your budget, nothing excites the team at Valley Homes more than working with a customer’s new home designs to create the house of their dreams. Valley Homes have been building across the Hunter Valley, Port Stephens and Newcastle and we have 50 years of experience and expertise to share.

With wellbeing the top theme for 2022 – let Valley Homes take every care of you and your New Year home and property development goals.

Home investment property development gials

Valley Homes Port Stephens Newcastle Maitland builder



As we race to the end of another year, working our way through those gift lists, handing round the mince pies and hanging out for that much needed holiday, it’s time to pause and reflect on 2021 – we’ve had plenty to celebrate!

Despite the ongoing challenges of a second year with Covid, Valley Homes has come through looking pretty fresh – as you’ve probably noticed with our new website and brand rollout! What’s more, this year has been full of inspiring new ideas from our Acreage designs to our new Valley Series. And if that wasn’t enough, we also celebrated our half century – 50 years building the Hunter!

We’ve had plenty of great insights to share with you so let’s review the highlights of 2021 as we count down our five most popular articles… 

Digger demolishing a house knockdown rebuild Valley Homes

5. We asked the big question: to demolish or not? Then we offered you a range of answers…

There are a multitude of benefits that come with a knockdown rebuild. With a blank canvas, or in this case, a clear block of land, you are free to design your dream home as well as address the issue of energy efficiency which is more economically achieved with a new house than by attempting to renovate or retro-fit an old weatherboard. With the right team, a knockdown can be a straightforward solution to the limitations of an existing property.

A knockdown rebuild also creates the opportunity to fully maximise the potential of your property with the option of subdividing and the construction of a duplex or dual occupancy. Which leads us onto our next hot topic!

Backyard dual occupancy build sub divide

4. It’s all about perspective

Sometimes it’s worth looking at the ‘everyday’ through a different lens before you can see its full potential. So, in our fourth most popular article, we asked the question: Are you sitting on your own buried treasure? This had readers thinking about the untapped value of their property and whether it was possible to sub divide. To build on your own land may involve a major development such as dual occupancy or a more modest construction such as a granny flat. Either way, having a rent-paying tenant provides a great return on the investment.

As you try and keep the lawn green this summer, maybe ask yourself if you could be making better use of the space to increase your land value. Valley Homes’ team of experts can provide great designs and ensure any development is economical and meets with council regulations. We have a wealth of inspiring and practical ideas if you want to invest in your own backyard!

Finding the right builder bring your own plans

3. Trust: finding the right builder

Asking all the right questions and coming up with an abundance of really great answers, our third most popular article focused on finding the right builder for your house design. While Valley Homes has a diverse range of awesome home plans and pricing, we also have extensive experience working with local architects. So, if you want to find the right builder to work alongside your chosen draftsman or architect to build your dream home, call Valley Homes.

The Valley Series modular flexible home designs

2. Designs to Inspire: The Valley Series

For the house builder seeking inspiration in 2021 they found it in our Valley Series featuring a range of modular floor plans with modern and heritage facades. The beauty of the Valley Series is the option to mix and match facades and rear designs to create a unique home design to suit your lifestyle. Valley Homes appreciate that the cost build a new home needs to match every budget. That’s why our house plans and pricing are the answer for every home builder.

Drum role please for Number 1…

BulBul duplex design Hunter Valley

It’s no surprise that our most popular article of 2021 was ‘Double the Value with a Duplex’. In fact, it’s the third year running that the subject of duplexes has come in at number one. The idea of maximising the potential of a single block of land as well as creating regular income, from an investment property has broad appeal with first time buyers, investor builders, and developers. Duplex builders are also making the most of councils’ enthusiasm for developments that create affordable housing in response to increasing urban density across New South Wales.

This article will take you through the benefits of duplexes as well as a great list to consider before you embark on the build, including the issues of council laws and duplex build costs.

When it comes to finding a great duplex builder, look no further than Valley Homes. Our duplex plans and prices are second to none and our team can take you through every step of the process from the design to council applications.

What’s on your Wish list?

So, raise a glass (or mince pie) to 2021 and celebrate the fact that we made it! Through all the lockdowns and the delays we’ve got every reason to look to 2022 with renewed optimism. Valley Homes will have more inspiration, great design and service in store for the new year – don’t forget to put us on your home and investing wish list and get in touch!

Valley Homes townhouse development builder Wallsend



With zoning allowing for more multi-dwelling housing we’ve seen a shift away from the traditional ‘one house per block’ as builders take advantage of opportunities to subdivide blocks into townhouses, duplex and triplex developments, and multiple house projects.

It’s no surprise that regional areas in NSW are experiencing growth with more people being forced out of the Sydney housing market and looking for the ease of living that comes with relocating to regions such as the Hunter Valley, Newcastle, Port Stephens and Lake Macquarie. Councils are planning for this population growth and their housing strategies are focused on ways to accommodate housing density. Their goal is to have an increase in diverse, affordable and adaptable housing. This is why savvy property developers and investors are looking to these coastal and rural areas for their next property development.

A multi unit property investment is not solely for the professionals.

You might have a generous block of land and fresh ideas to build a multiple house project – and why wouldn’t you? Many property owners are looking at ways of maximising the potential of their land. In many situations it can be more economical to build a dual occupancy or duplex than go through a major renovation. Using existing land for multiple dwellings can provide income and rental returns if done with careful consideration and reliable advice.

If you’ve made the decision to subdivide, build a townhouse, a multi-unit block or anything in the property development realm, you need to understand which  council you’ll be dealing with first to know what is and isn’t possible – and profitable. Doing your research will ensure you get council approval.

Council considerations

Council will consider a number of important factors when determining whether a block of land is suitable for subdivision. Each council has their own list which may include the following:

  • Zoning and land use objectives. For example, City of Newcastle has Renewal corridors in the suburbs of Islington, Mayfield, Hamilton, Broadmeadow and Adamstown. These are zoned for increased diverse, affordable and adaptable housing, so we’re seeing an increase in council approvals for property developments similar to inner-city areas with a mix of terraced, detached and semi-detached houses and low-rise apartment blocks.
  • Lot configuration. Councils need to ensure that the lot is physically capable of development, and will achieve the most effective use of the land. Allotment orientation helps determine solar efficiency, and there is a preference for lots to be oriented to the north to reduce overshadowing. It’s worth knowing that site conditions such as slope can also increase lot sizes and constrain future development.
  • Physical constraints need to be assessed for flooding, sea level rise, bushfires and geotechnical issues. In the Newcastle and The Hunter Valley, in particular, mine subsidence is an area of concern and requires additional approval from Subsidence Advisory NSW. So too, bushfire prone land also requires approval from the NSW Rural Fire Service.
  • Availability of public utilities (water, sewer, electricity, gas, telecommunications and roads)
  • Loss of environmental quality including the removal of vegetation or impact on watercourses.

Property investment subdivision
Best Home Builders Hunter Valley

So what else does subdivision involve?

The process of subdividing land creates new lots of land or changes the size of the existing allotment. There are different types of subdivision and it’s worth understanding which one is applicable to your property development.

Boundary adjustment is when boundaries are changed between two or more lots of land without creating a new lot.

Torrens Title involves creating new allotments from an existing allotment. The land is divided into single lots which are individually owned by the land owner. Each newly created Torrens title will have separate utilities including water and sewer services.

Strata Title is the most commonly used form of subdivision for residential apartments, dual occupancies, townhouses, and  multi-unit developments. Strata subdivision gives ownership to individual portions of a larger property and a share of common property such as gardens and driveways.

Community Title usually refers to very large estates and involves the subdivision of land so that every lot has a separate title but also shares a common piece of land such as pool, BBQs, driveway and gardens.

Feeling bamboozled? Valley Homes can make the process easier for you

Subdivision can seem like an overwhelming undertaking and that’s why a lot of smart investors and developers take advantage of Valley Homes’ expertise and experience. The Valley Homes management team works with highly experienced support staff and draws on essential relationships with local surveyors, certifiers, town planners and engineers. Valley Homes builds only in the Hunter Valley, Newcastle, Port Stephens and Lake Macquarie, and we know council regulations inside out! Engaging a well- established, local project builder is a sure way to obtain relevant council approval and guarantee that the subdivision of your property goes smoothly.

Call Valley Homes and let us help you activate your property development.

Konara duplex design Hunter Valley Newcastle homes investment builder


Envision a duplex for your block

When is your block of land like a Tardis? When you build a duplex, of course!

Any die-hard Doctor Who fan should get it, but for those unfamiliar – please hear us out – The Tardis, said to be an acronym of ‘time and relative dimensions in space’, is the name of a time machine which had the exterior of a police telephone box in the British TV science fiction series, ‘Doctor Who’. It was renowned for being so much larger on the inside than it appeared on the outside. So, let’s consider your block of land in the same way: by building a duplex you maximise the potential of that space.

Our duplex plans

Any of our designs can be modified to suit. Contact us to find out more about any of the designs in our duplex range. Pricing for our new duplex designs is available on application. If you already have land please call our sales team to discuss your project.

You may be pleasantly surprised to realise just how much you can fit into your block. What’s more, you’ll be amazed at how much can be included in a duplex design. Valley Homes offer attached dual occupancy designs that are compact, and like the Tardis, they’re incredibly generous inside.

There are a multitude of reasons to consider building a duplex on your block of land. Let’s explore the options presented with duplexes and look at a some inspirational new duplex designs on offer.

Something for everyone

Whether you’re a first time buyer, an investor or you’d like to downsize but don’t want to leave your area, duplexes are definitely worth considering. By creating two properties on the one block of land you’re essentially doubling the equity without doubling the building costs. You’re also creating a number of great choices: rent out both, be a live-in investor or sell both.

With the urbanisation of regional NSW there’s an increasing demand for diverse and affordable homes. We’ve seen this in Newcastle with the Council’s housing strategy highlighting the need for a variety of dwellings to suit the growing number of smaller households. It’s no wonder clever investors are buying up old houses and reimagining the block’s potential as a duplex investment property.

Working with duplex builders like Valley Homes, investors are making the most of great design and prices on offer to create an excellent investment. As a dual income property, the rental income  means the return on investment is assured offsetting the duplex build costs. This is a great place for first-time buyers to start as they benefit from having both a home and creating an investment which pays for itself.

Perfect to sell

Taking on the responsibility of a rental property and dealing with tenants doesn’t appeal to everyone and that’s where duplexes provide great flexibility. These low maintenance, compact homes have broad market appeal and are perfect for first-time buyers, retirees, empty-nesters and families. If designed and presented well, they’re snapped up quickly, once again proving to be a great investment.  Duplex designs such as Valley Homes’ Wirripang have great street appeal with its fresh open facade. Its three bedrooms with generous bathroom and ensuite, as well as a focus on indoor and alfresco entertaining areas make it perfect for any household.

A flexible solution for downsizing

For those people keen to downsize but dread the idea of cramped apartment living, duplexes provide great solutions. Rather than relocating its worth considering the development of your existing block. Doing a knockdown rebuild with an energy efficient, beautifully designed duplex increases the equity of your property and gives you the option of selling and turning a quick profit or renting the second property for the long term rental income. This reassuringly counterbalances the cost to build a duplex.

Retirees who want the space for visiting family will love Valley Homes, Bulbul with three bedrooms, two living areas and alfresco entertaining. It’s such a great design, it equally appeals to first time buyers and families. Packing in all the essentials while creating a great sense of space it’s quite the Tardis. This compact gem has everything.

But I don’t want an identical house next door…

You value having individual style and don’t want you’re neighbours’ house to be a mirror image of yours? Valley Homes provides the perfect solution with their Konara duplex design. Each unit has a unique facade allowing you to present a more personalised look and feel to your own home. The Konara plan includes all the great features of Valley Homes duplex designs and can be modified to suit any particular needs. Konara is particularly ideal for  the live-in investor who wants to differentiate between their own home and their tenant’s.




We’ve got a duplex design for you

Whatever you have in mind, Valley Homes’ has a diverse range of duplex designs that are fully customisable. We’re keen to work with you to create the ideal investment. Explore our range and contact us to find out how we can help you make the most of your block of land. You don’t need to be Doctor Who to realise the potential of your property.


BulBul duplex design Hunter Valley

3 Bed | 2 Bath | 1 Car (each)

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50 year anniversary Valley Homes


When it comes to quality housing Valley Homes is the respected name across Newcastle and the Hunter and we couldn’t be prouder of our reputation.

In celebrating our 50th anniversary we’d like to reflect on the Company’s evolution, and its contribution to development across NSW, specifically in the Hunter region – and look ahead to what’s next. Read on and celebrate with us!

Rewind to 1971…

Reliability and efficiency in construction was always a constant focus for Arne Baumann and Lindsay Hardy since they first started Mambare Pty Limited in 1971 and began constructing service stations for most of the major oil companies. During the period 1971 to 1982, the company carried out construction throughout New South Wales, Victoria and Queensland for clients including, Mobil Oil Australia Ltd, Shell company of Australia Ltd, Ampol Ltd, Esso Australia Ltd, Total Australia Ltd, Grace Brothers and Elcom (NSW).

As the Company’s reputation grew, so did the range of varied and far-reaching projects. The Company commissioned some forty-five service stations and seven truck stops as well as major renovations for the GUOOF Building in Castlereagh Street, SYDNEY, renovation of the Roselands Shopping centre and the construction of the Inverell Sub-station.

Mambare operated exclusively from its Sydney office until 1982 when Craig Baumann expanded its activities and established a residential arm of the company, Valley Homes in Maitland, Hunter Valley.

Valley Homes archive image

Expanding into the residential market 

It was in February 1982 that the Company established a construction office and display village at Raymond Terrace and Maitland in the Hunter Valley. Things got exciting when the company created, in conjunction with a large financier, a house and land package scheme that could be afforded by the first home buyer. The scheme was launched with Citicorp Australia Limited and led to the sale and construction of some 300 houses between 1982 and 1984. In the initial stages, the scheme was presented to the Minister for Housing, Hon C. Hurford and was supported by the Federal Minister for Housing Alan Morris and Federal & State member Arthur Wade.

In addition to constructing houses for all segments of the residential market the Company has been successful in tendering for contracts for Commonwealth and State Authorities. Some of these contracts include, twenty-four houses for the Commonwealth Department of Administrative Services in 1984, twenty houses for the Commonwealth Department of Housing in 1984 and since 1985 the Company has completed around 300 houses and units for the NSW Department of Housing.

Valley Homes has operated out of its premises in High Street, Maitland since 1986 and recently completed its fourth year with Defence Housing Australia, handing over its 178th house in September 2019.

Valley Homes Duplex builder house design Newcastle

We’re big believers in all things local

Valley Homes has built strong industry relationships with local trades and suppliers. We appreciate the benefits of working regionally and supporting the local economy. Of course, the added bonus for our customers is reduced costings as well as the ease of access to local showrooms where our local partners offer quality products and impeccable service. We're also proud of what we've been able to give back to the local community through sponsorships and charity donations. In the mid 90's we donated 5 houses to the NBN Telethon Art Union to give back to the community that supported us.


In an industry where companies come and go, we know trust is the cornerstone of a successful relationship between client and builder. In fact, it’s one of the biggest hurdles a builder faces when first liaising with a potential client. Having established a strong reputation as a family owned, local building company, still prospering after 50 years, Valley Homes has the edge over a national company entering a new market like the Hunter with little knowledge of the area. We’re proud to have made a commitment to the Hunter region and garnered the trust of its communities.

Offering something for everyone

In recent years the Company has constructed hundreds of residential homes, duplexes and multi-unit developments in the Maitland, Newcastle and Port Stephens areas. One of the secrets to our success is being able to offer a wide range of products to meet all our customers’ needs. Whether it’s a dream home or investment property our specialised design services offer unbeatable value for money. The Valley Homes team are also happy to work with customers’ own architectural designs and collaborate to get approvals and quality construction underway. Whatever you choose, you’re in expert hands throughout the entire building process.

Growing our passion: Tallowood Medowie

Valley Homes is also proud to be the exclusive builder of Tallowood Medowie, a resort styled multi-unit dwelling for the over 50s. Conveniently located in Port Stephens. Each home is architecturally designed, energy efficient, and features open-planned living making Tallowood Medowie is the perfect place to downsize and start living!

Meeting the needs of the market…

We now focus our business on houses, dual occupancy and multi unit developments.

Valley Homes has cemented its reputation as a company that can meet the needs of all customers, from the developer to the first-time buyer wanting to build a new home.

With the increasing population growth in Newcastle and the Hunter, we know there’s a demand for more diverse dwellings, infill housing, and designs that maximise the full potential of each block of land. That’s where our investor builder options, sold at competitive prices with no hidden expenses, have great appeal, as do our fully customisable duplex and dual occupancy designs.

So what will the next 50 years bring?

Valley Homes will continue doing what we do best: offering a range of dynamic house designs, unit developments and building solutions to suit every need and budget.

We’re passionate about making your building dreams a reality so contact us to find out how you can become part of our success story.


Valley Homes 2 storey duplex Newcastle builder


As a starting point you might want to know what exactly is a duplex. It might seem obvious but a duplex is a type of dual occupancy development - basically two homes built on the same block of land that share a central wall.

Duplexes are sometimes on one title, meaning both halves must be sold together (ie dual key), or if a duplex is subdivided into two separate titles – either Strata or Torrens, each home can be sold separately.

If there was ever a great time to be looking to build a duplex it’s now and here’s why:

Also known as attached dual occupancy each residence is a completely separate home, with its own entrance, parking and yard. There’s an increasing demand for affordable housing across New South Wales and most especially in fast-growing regional areas such as Newcastle and the Hunter Valley.

Valley Homes builder newcastle hunter maitland duplexThe latest Department of Planning population projections show an additional 131,500 people living in the Hunter region by 2041.The Newcastle Local Housing Strategy also projects the population in the City of Newcastle to increase by around 41,000 people between 2016 and 2041, so they’re anticipating a demand for 19,450 new dwellings by 2041. With these sorts of increases, not everybody can expect to be living in a freestanding house on their own block of land.

In Newcastle, household sizes are expected to shrink over time as more people live alone or as a couple without children. Diversity is the key and that’s where the duplex builder slots right in!

Is a duplex a good investment?

Duplexes exist because they have such a great potential to make money. The cost to build a duplex is usually cheaper than building two houses, the build duration is less and because both dwellings are on the same block, the land costs less than two separate lots.

A duplex can be double or single story and there are a great variety of duplex designs to include any number of rooms. By researching the suburb in which you plan to build your investment property, you can determine whether the demand is for family homes, or smaller dwellings and build to meet that need. Duplexes have broad appeal being suitable for families, first time buyers with modest budgets or retirees looking for a low maintenance home.

Valley Homes duplex Wadalba builder

Building a duplex creates equity and at the same time renting out either or both the properties gives you an ongoing high-interest return. A lot of duplex builders choose to live in one property and rent the other out thus benefitting from a regular income. 

Whether you’re a developer or investor builder, the Hunter Valley is a great place to consider an investment property. According to the most recent report from NSW Government’s Annual Population Insights (Dec 2020) housing prices in regional NSW have risen by 3% since April 2020, outperforming those in Greater Sydney. There’s also a demand for more rental properties as increasing numbers of Sydney-siders, working from home due to the pandemic, are relocating to enjoy the benefits of regional living.

Two sides to every story

If building and investing in duplexes was simple then everyone would build them but there are numerous factors to consider regarding duplex build costs and regulations.

A duplex requires a large block of land. Blocks with existing approval can minimise the hassle, but generally cost more than a comparable site. If you decide to ‘knock down and rebuild’ on an existing property remember to add demolition fees to your budget.

Valley Homes Duplex builder house design NewcastleBecause you’re essentially building two houses the initial outlay is large. Some financial advisers suggest at least 20% deposit is necessary to build a duplex—a lower deposit would create a higher risk. It’s essential to develop a thorough financial strategy before building any investment property.

Everybody needs good neighbours…

If you decide to live in one unit your biggest concern will be your neighbours because you’re sharing a wall with them.   This is fine if they’re the quiet retiring types but you really don’t have much control over how noisy they’ll be. If you’re renting out the other duplex ask yourself if you’ll feel comfortable being in such close proximity to your tenants?

Location, location!

Be aware that all local councils have different zoning rules so it’s worth doing some research on local Council laws. The Low Rise Housing Diversity Design Guide provides specifics on duplex designs and regulations. Or you may call the town planner at Council and ask for the zoning and if dual occupancies are permissible on your land.

We can make it easier

If you’re looking to invest in either the Hunter Valley or Newcastle, Valley Homes can provide a range of duplex plans and prices to match your budget and your block of land. The Valley Homes team even liaise with Council, manage all paperwork and applications including your Strata or Torrens title subdivision, coordinate all trade contractors and everything else in the tender to take the stress away for you and reduce the duplex build cost.

Take a look at our diverse range of fully customisable plans and get in touch to see how we can help you realise your ideal investment property.

Valley Homes interior open plan living kitchen


2021 is the fresh start we’ve all been waiting for and after a year of ‘being on hold’ we’re ready to fulfil some bold resolutions! Whether your plan is to build a new home or an investment property here are some of our suggestions for activating those goals and dreams.

Define your big goals for the year

Goal setting creates clarity in your life so, start by asking yourself a few key questions: What do I want to achieve this year? What really excites me? Where do I see myself living? What financial goals do I want to set for myself?

For so many people, 2020 blurred the line between work and home. On top of that, the economic pressures of the pandemic have increased the desire for greater financial security. It’s no surprise that answers are being found in property. With the Government’s Home Builder grants, many are choosing to renovate their current home to increase its value. Your goal however, might be to build an investment property as part of your superannuation plan.

Or perhaps building a duplex on an existing property might have greater appeal as it could potentially double the equity without doubling the investment cost. With the options of selling or renting out one or both properties you’re assured of strong returns with relatively low risk. Exciting options!

Ensure your reality matches your dream.

It’s essential to set out exactly what the costs will entail and be sure you can budget for it.

A budget spreadsheet is a great tool for this. It’ll help you determine how much income you have, how your money is spent, whether the money is there for a big project or whether a loan needs to be arranged.

Whatever your project, it’s essential to calculate the costs and be sure you can budget for it.

Valley Homes can help fit your new home designs to your budget.

Now for the fun part!

At this time of year, designers from across the world are sharing their ideas to help set the trends for 2021. So make yourself a cuppa and start browsing magazines and websites for all those images that make your heart sing; the ones that evoke an “Ooh yes! I want that in my home!” response. But be sure to capture all those inspirations. There’s nothing worse than forgetting where you saw that perfect paint colour or kitchen layout. That’s where a scrap book or vision board is a great tool. Pinning images, words and catch phrases onto your vision board helps you clarify and maintain focus on what truly matters to you. In this case, your dream home!

Use all of your senses

Apply a multi-sensory approach to creating your dream home. Think textures - carpets underfoot, the cool of polished concrete or underfloor heating; the comfort of soft furnishings and fabrics.

Imagine the smells you want in your home - oiled timbers, fragrant courtyards, or perhaps a ‘living wall’ in your kitchen with the scent of fresh herbs.

Consider the acoustics of your new home. Large rooms and high ceiling can create echoey acoustics. Add kids and animals to the picture and you’ll want to find ways to reduce noise. An experienced house designer will help you achieve the right result.

Go digital

Of course, if this all reminds you too much of school craft projects, there are online websites such as Pinterest and Canva, one-stop spots to organize all the images you find appealing.

Downloading an app onto your phone allows you the opportunity to capture ideas while you’re out and on the go. Snap those pics and upload them straight into your app. Once your focus is on your new home design, you’ll find inspiration wherever you look.

Your vision board, whether physical or virtual will be unique to you. Be sure to include an image of yourself in amongst all those colour swatches. It’s all too easy to get swept up by the latest trends only to realise ‘boho’ or ‘coastal’ is not really your style. Strong themes and colour schemes will become more apparent as you select your sources of inspiration.

When you look at your vision board, it should evoke a real sense of delight as if you were in your home.The more detailed your vision board the easier it will to make decisions when you start building your home.

Build with the best team

From Newcastle to Port Stephens and across the Hunter Valley, Valley Homes will be working with home builders and investors to realize their 2021 vision.

Whatever your location or plan, we have the team, designs and experience to make your resolutions a reality in the New Year. Get in touch, we'd love to help you with your 2021 property goals!

Valley Homes Duplex


You could say, 2020 was the year to wrap up and ‘return to sender’. It has gifted us fires, plague, lockdowns and restrictions. In spite of all that, we still found ways to move forward to a new kind of normal.

Fortunately, Valley Homes remained fully operational during the pandemic so all projects under construction continued on time and on budget. As a result, we’re very happy to know that there are families enjoying their first Christmas and New Year in their new Valley Homes dwellings across Newcastle, Maitland and the Hunter Valley.

Throughout 2020, we were kept busy doing what we do best: lots of custom duplexes, multi-unit, residential and acreage homes. In fact, we constructed 75 house and unit projects this year including a five unit development in Elermore Vale, three townhouses in Adamstown and a four unit project in Stockton.

The Government also threw in its support to stimulate the industry with the HomeBuilder $25,000 grant to eligible people building a new home or renovating an existing one. Due to expire at the end of the year, the program has been extended to 31 March 2021 with a reduced $15,000 grant for building contracts (new builds and substantial renovations) signed between 1 January 2021 and 31 March 2021, inclusive.

If you’re eligible for the Home Builder grant and have a project in mind for 2021, now is the time to get in touch with us.

This year we began construction on the first stage at Tallowood Medowie – a beautiful new address for over 50’s living situated in Port Stephens.

You may have also heard us over the airwaves? We’re creating better ways to share all our news and events so this year we ramped up our online advertising and commenced radio advertising for the first time. We’re also putting the finishing touches on our new website which will be launched in the new year to mark our 50th birthday. With new branding, a new website and new floor plans, 2021 is set to be pretty fresh.

Before we close the door on 2020, let’s review our most popular articles of the year:

5. Construction Only Service - Selecting the Right Builder If You already Have Plans

Your architect may have drawn up plans for your new home but you still haven’t settled on a builder or perhaps you’re unsure how to get approval for your plans. This article explores those issues, and more, and suggests ways to navigate the process of getting construction under way.

4. Plan Your Dream Home Without Leaving the House

This was the perfect lockdown invitation: to dream wild and create that ideal home without getting up off the sofa. Packed with loads of great suggestions, the big message was to research and take advantage of all the internet has to offer. There was no excuse to start that vision board!

3. Open Home - Joseph House - Medowie Acreage

Acreage build Joseph House Valley Homes alfresco

Showcasing the beautiful Joseph House, this article celebrates Valley Homes acreage series and the ways in which our designs can be customised to meet your preferred style. Whether you have land in the Hunter Valley or a large block on the outskirts of the city we have a range of contemporary acreage designs to choose from and inspire you to realise your dream home.

2. Ageing Gracefully House Designs With Your Needs In Mind

Our No 2 article struck a chord with readers interested in homes that meet the specific requirements related to ageing and disability. It explores the design elements needed to make a custom designed home liveable, accessible and adaptable and also provides definitions of these terms. Valuable reading.

1. Maximise Your Return on Investment - Feasible Dual Occupancies

With the economic downturn and drop in share prices as a result of the Covid 19 pandemic, people are keen to invest their money where they’ll see the return so it’s no surprise that this article came in at No 1. It explores the need for a comprehensive feasibility study when converting a single dwelling property into a profitable dual occupancy. And if you don’t know what a feasibility study is - don’t worry, we’ve broken it down into the what, how and why. Whether you want to knockdown and rebuild or build on a vacant block, Valley Homes are specialist dual occupancy builders.

Valley Homes duplex Wadalba builder

So what are your building plans for 2021 and how can we help?

Let us know what topics you’d like us to cover in 2021. How can we enlighten and inspire your home build or help answer the multitude of questions about your next building project? We have a wealth of ideas and solutions to share. We’d love to hear from you.

Valley Homes Duplex builder house design Newcastle


Callum and Emma are super keen to build a new home. It was hard enough navigating their way through financial institutions to sort out their home loan but now they’re faced with the dilemma of choosing a reliable builder. They had hoped to find someone through word-of-mouth but they keep hearing horror stories about builders who overcharge for quality and others don’t seem to appreciate the meaning of good craftsmanship. They even heard of a builder who’d been operating without a builder license!

Paul wanted to support his nephew’s new building firm and employed them to work on his investment property. While the quality showed in the build, the project didn’t stay on budget. The little company just didn’t have the experience or the benefits of long-standing supplier relationships. Paul’s frustration increased as the estimated completion date fell behind by several months.

Anna and Graham are looking at building a dual occupancy home on their existing property as part of their retirement plan. They have good relationships with the neighbours and so they're keen to employ a building team that will reflect their own standards - no inappropriately loud music or language on site. It might seem old-fashioned but they believe their choice of builder reflects on them so they’re looking for a building team with a good reputation.

These are just some of the many concerns that home builders and everyday investors face when it comes to choosing a builder.

Whether it’s your first home build, an investment property or a retirement project, you want to know you’ve chosen a builder who will deliver a quality build, in a timely manner and within budget.

Valley Homes duplex Wadalba builder

Create your ideal builder wish list

Before you start contacting builders it’s a good idea to create a check list of what’s essential as well as what’s important to you personally so that you can maintain a good working relationship with your builder.

Some important points you might consider:

  • Does your builder hold a current license? Don’t make the assumption that they do and don’t be afraid to ask.
  • Can you see examples of their previous jobs? What’s more, can you speak with previous clients to ensure they’re happy with the finished product and the service provided?
  • Does your builder have a reliable and experienced team?
  • The size of the company you’re embarking on a building project with – are they big enough to handle multiple jobs and can your builder reassure you of this?
  • Has your builder established supplier relationships to ensure building materials are of the highest quality and readily available for each stage of the project?
  • The advantages of working with a builder based in your region. They’ll be making the most of local suppliers and contractors so delays are less likely and travel to your site won’t be as problematic.
  • After meeting a few builders your final decision might come down to your gut feeling. Once you’ve completed the fact-finding mission ask yourself if you think you’ll have a comfortable relationship with the people working for the business?

Avoid becoming overwhelmed by the mountain of decisions that need to be made when looking for the right builder. By taking the time to investigate and meet with several builders, you’ll find the right team who satisfies your builder wish list and increases your chance of a successful build.

Valley Homes multi unit townhouse development Kahibah Newcastle

A builder you can trust

When it comes to reliability and reputation Valley Homes has it all. For almost 50 years, Valley Homes have been creating a variety of stylish homes and effective investments to fit a range of budgets throughout Newcastle and the Hunter Valley. You’ll find there’s no hidden extras and there’s never a compromise on quality.

Valley Homes has a team of award-winning local trades with extensive construction experience and even provide a dedicated on-site supervisor who’ll be happy to talk through any issues with you and reduce unnecessary stress throughout your home build. You can rest assured that you have the backing of a great team because Valley Homes also has long-standing, positive relationships with their local suppliers.

What’s more, the reviews confirm customer satisfaction. Valley Homes’ clients talk of the efficiency, honesty and dependability of the team and how the process was made ‘smooth and easy’. Take a look and make an enquiry today.

Valley Homes Thornton build homes Wirrawee


Valley Homes has been building Australian homes since 1982. Over the years we’ve built affordable first home buyer housing, acreages, duplexes, and custom designed homes, some of which have been recognised with housing awards.

Our suite of services has been expanded to include large scale multi-house developments, such as defence housing projects and over-50s luxury estates. This expansion has proven to be an exciting and successful shift for Valley Homes’ expertise in greater Newcastle and the Hunter Valley.

The property market in Australia has been shifting for some time towards both a high-density model in and around city centres, as well as the demand for entirely new suburbs to be created in the surrounding regions. This has opened up new opportunities for investors and developers to cater for this dual type of demand – requiring a builder that is experienced in multi-unit as well as multi-house builds.

People living in greater Newcastle and the Hunter Valley are in a fortunate position to choose between high density dwellings or choosing the idyllic lifestyle of a large backyard and fresh air, as provided in the new suburb builds currently being developed in relatively close proximity to the city centre. Valley Homes is an experienced new suburb builder with extensive private building knowledge, as well as years of working on government large scale projects. We have seen the benefits first-hand that these new suburbs offer for the investors backing them, as well as the new residents who get to enjoy them.

Of course, having the drive and the funds available to finance a new suburb build are paramount, but having a reliable and highly experienced multi-dwelling builder on your team will greatly impact your investment’s bottom line. Local information

and resources can make quite a difference in the efficiency of project management, as well as the ability to source from premium suppliers and contractors. This makes Valley Homes perfectly positioned to continue to build multi dwelling builds in greater Newcastle and the Hunter Valley, particularly as our past successes demonstrate our ability to complete projects on time, on budget, and finished to a high standard.

Experienced with large scale projects

From rows of beautifully appointed two storey terraces, affordable single storey duplexes, through to large scale, multi-phase developments, which require adhering to strict design guidelines and timelines, Valley Homes knows the ins and outs of a new suburb builder whether in the private or public sector. Through government-backed housing projects, such as our recently completed regional defence housing builds 5 stage, 200+ dwelling project, and the current construction of the over-50s lifestyle estate Tallowood Medowie, Valley Homes has gained experience not only in building incredible houses, but also building infrastructure to ensure each new suburb has the potential to become an outstanding community. This includes designing and creating shared spaces, as well as communal landscaping initiatives.

The strength and stability required for multi dwelling projects

Of course, knowing your builder’s experience level is vital, but in addition to this we understand that economic stability is just as crucial. Which is why we’re proud to say our business is financially well-positioned and highly secure to take on large scale projects. Our Capability Statement is available upon request and outlines the measures we have in place. This information should provide investor-developer confidence in Valley Homes’ ability to complete large scale projects, whether single or multi-phase, and means investors can be assured they will be moving onto the sales or property management phase of their project as quickly and cost effectively as possible.

Booming market opportunities

Valley Homes’ head office is situated in Maitland, giving easy access to builds from greater Newcastle through to the Hunter Valley and beyond – which is a huge benefit to this highly sought after property market for large scale investors. The region is growing rapidly and building tastes are evolving, making multi-dwelling new suburb builds highly appealing for both locals and developers. This demand is supported by the fact that overheads are much lower in these regional areas in comparison to larger cities, yet the region has a very healthy economy and employment record - meaning top sales and rental figures can still be attained. Plus, recent government legislation changes have also streamlined some of the approval processes, meaning less red tape and more reasons to speak to experienced new suburb builders about getting your multi-house development underway.

For a copy of our development Capability Statement and to arrange a time to meet and find out just what our experience can do for your bottom-line, please get in touch.


Valley Homes 2 storey duplex Newcastle builder


Valley Homes are specialist Dual Occupancy builders – we've transformed hundreds of Newcastle’s backyards and blocks of land into dual occupancy or duplex developments. In our experience, if there’s a single step that improves our clients’ chance of a healthy return on investment it has to be a comprehensive feasibility study.

If you’re not sure what feasibility studies are or what they entail, feasibility studies are a crucial step in turning a single dwelling property into a profitable dual occupancy, especially if you are new to property investment – because due diligence and a successful development go hand-in-hand!

So, let us help you get that all important spreadsheet started…

Valley Homes duplex Wadalba builder

Filling out your feasibility study spreadsheet starts with speaking to quite a number of people, such as:

1. Your accountant (preferably a property specialist)

2. Your loan manager or financial lender

3. A solicitor/conveyancer to estimate what their rates will be

4. Your local council for estimated DA and CC costs (oh and while you’re talking to your local council make sure you read their Development Control Plan and Local Environment Plan too)

5. A builder who is experienced in dual occupancy developments – beyond just simple granny flats to experts in single dwelling multi-bedroom homes (AKA Valley Homes)

6. A surveyor to discuss the potential subdivision of the land

7. and finally, the local real estate agent who will be the face of your sale or rental pitch.


Valley Homes multi unit townhouse development Kahibah Newcastle

But before you speak to any of the people mentioned above, you’ll need to know what information to get out of them…

Figures you must include in your feasibility study:

1. Land purchase / acquisition cost: this section needs to account for the total costs spent upfront on the investment. This can be an estimated sale price – simply update later when your costs are finalised. When entering your purchase costs, stamp duty, land valuation, even conveyancer fees etc. should also be entered here.

2. Financing costs: If you are borrowing the funds to build your dual occupancy development this section of your feasibility study includes the total amount to be borrowed, and details your repayments and estimated interest to be paid over the period of the loan. Loan types can vary depending on your individual development, with many investors using a land purchase loan and/or a construction loan.

Drury St Jesmond Multi-unit development

3. Council rates and regulations: While experienced builders help manage the council fees and permits, you also need to know what the council land rates are for your property as this will impact on your overall income if you are planning to rent one or both homes to tenants. There are also a number of other potential council costs, such as zoning regulations, heritage listings, and sub-division costs.

4. Construction costs: If you are able to lock-down a fixed-price contract it will provide you with the most watertight forecast from a budgeting standpoint. However, any detailed quote from an experienced builder will help indicate what will be one of the largest figures entered into your spreadsheet.

5. Utility connection fees: While this might not be a large consideration if you are simply connecting an additional single dwelling on the existing property, but if you are planning on a knockdown rebuild with a multi-unit development, then your utility connections may add up quickly.

6. Selling and marketing costs: If you are not selling or renting the new build privately, you should factor in the Real Estate Agency fees to make sure you have covered all of the potential costs this project will require. After all, you may have a quality development, but if you can’t sell it you might end up eating into potential profits at the last hurdle. Also, ask for the potential sale price or estimated rental income.

7. Insurances and GST costs: There are many types of insurances associated with a dual occupancy development. A reputable builder will provide their own insurances that cover the building process, but it is an astute investor who knows the insurance costs to cover repayments etc. Also, depending on how you are operating your investment project, i.e. as a business, GST may be something you need to pay.

8. Contingency: Just as the word implies, contingency is an additional amount usually calculated at around 5 to 10% of the overall cost of the project. Think of it as a rainy-day fund to ensure your project has the funds to keep going when and if unexpected issues arise.

Now for the finale…

9. Projected profit / income from your investment: All going well, and if your project is to be deemed ‘feasible’, this field will give you a positive figure at the bottom of your spreadsheet. If not, don’t give up hope. Speak to your dual occupancy builder, shop around for a more favourable financial institution, and of course, tweak where you can.

Drury St Jesmond Multi-unit development


There are some obvious advantages to building a duplex as an investment property. One of the most popular drawcards is the instant equity you can achieve on your land and you get the value of two new homes at a fraction of the price to build two freestanding homes. Plus, with the sale or rental of two properties you can even be either debt free or cash flow positive fairly quickly after completion, and savings can also be made with stamp duty new build policies.

But what we want to talk about today is yet another perk of duplex builds, something not all investors are aware of – tax depreciation.

Valley Homes Bolwarra Heights Maitland Duplex Builder

What is tax depreciation?

According to one of our local specialists in tax depreciation, Capital Claims, “Capital allowance and depreciation are some of the largest tax deductions available to property investors.” So if you’re looking to build a duplex as an investment property, either as first-time developer or even if you’ve been a long-time investor, but don’t know how to capitalise on your investment property with a detailed depreciation schedule, you need to read on.

Tax depreciation can literally mean thousands of extra dollars in your pocket annually.

Basically, tax depreciation is a term that describes substantial deductions that are available at tax time. These deductions are available to investors in both commercial and residential property markets and are calculated on the depreciating value or both the building structure, as well as the plant and equipment components of the property. Plus, tax depreciation new build guidelines are the most beneficial to investors under the current government policies.

How much depreciation in deductions could you be earning?

Plant and equipment deductions are all dependant on the specific items and their annual decrease in value as determined by the Australian Tax Office (ATO). It is calculated by starting with the purchase price, and then depending on the item, there is a period of depreciation that you can claim.

Structural depreciation otherwise known as capital works deductions are determined on the cost to build a duplex, calculated over a 40 year period from when your new duplex was built. NAB recently wrote about Tax Depreciation, for a “new building that cost $200,000 to build, you could claim up to $5,000 each year for 40 years”.

Valley Homes builder newcastle hunter maitland duplex

You can work out how much tax you could be claiming using online tools, such as the BMT Tax Depreciations calculator, but it is always recommended that you engage an experienced and specialised Quantity Surveyor. It is the Quantity Surveyor’s job to collate a report outlining the deductions available to investors and developers – and this can be done before the duplex has even been built or is ready to rent. This allows you to have a complete and comprehensive idea of your exact expenditure and ongoing investment returns, up-front.

After the new duplex investment property has been built the Quantity Surveyor can then issue you with a Tax Depreciation Schedule that you simply forward to your accountant to receive the ongoing benefits of tax depreciation on your new duplex build. You can download sample depreciation schedules to gain a clearer indication of exactly what you can claim and the % amounts.Valley Homes builder newcastle hunter maitland duplex

New duplex builds are even better investments with astute tax depreciation claims

As mentioned in the introduction, and outlined in previous articles, new duplex builds are one of the best investment property options available in this current market. The cost to build a duplex, while slightly more than a single freestanding home, is not as much as building two freestanding homes, yet you get to benefit from the increased value of owning two homes with dual income opportunities. There are a wide range of duplex plans and prices available, ensuring you can tailor your build to your budget, block requirements, and what the buyer or rental market is demanding. Plus, Hunter Valley and regional Newcastle block sizes are well-suited for a comfortable duplex build that has all the street appeal of a freestanding home.

Discuss property investment with us today – we’re your local duplex builder and have years of experience designing, planning and constructing duplex investment properties in your area.

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Valley Homes duplex Wadalba builder


Yes it’s true! 2019 has been planned, designed, knocked down, and then built back up again – now we’re ready to lock the door and handover the keys ready to do it all again next year. But before we do…

Our 2019 builder highlights

If you’re interested in seeing just how eventful the past year has been for our clients, contractors, suppliers and our hardworking in-house team, then check out this video from one of our happy clients, or head over to our gallery. You’ll get to see some of our favourite builds from the past year or so, including a duplex in Newcastle, custom-designed homes like the two storey stunner in Fingal Bay and a 2x2 storey townhouse in Kahibah, a multi-unit development in Jesmond, a customised acreage design in Aberglasslyn, and who could forget Stage 1 and 2 of the DHA Wirraway Estate in Thornton.

Nesbitt Family testimonial
The Nesbitt family share their experience building with Valley Homes.

Your favourite articles of 2019

Beyond our successful builds in and around Newcastle, another highlight of 2019 has been the great responses we’ve had to our Valley Homes articles. Each month we share industry developments, design trends, and helpful checklists to help make client’s future builds with us more exceptional and more informed. Here are the five that were either read, talked about, or shared the most – together in one place for anyone that may have missed them throughout the year.

So counting down from five, let’s get to it…

5. Knock down rebuild or renovate?

If you’re not sure if your home is destined for a knock down rebuild or undergo a complete renovation then this article will discuss some of the major elements to consider. The article is particularly targeted towards understanding costs, the time impacts of either option, long-term future proofing advantages, and how speaking to a real estate might help clarify the financial pros and cons of the finished results.

4. Project homes vs custom-designed homes

Next on the list is an article which attempts to answer a question our team gets asked all of the time, can project homes stand-up to a custom-designed home? Spoiler alert, of course they can. But it isn’t as simple as that. It all comes down to the classic builder’s balancing act of weighing budget, block of land specifics, council requirements, design and lifestyle aspirations, and individual needs to determine which type of build is going to tick the most boxes. The article goes through what considerations to keep in mind, because we know all too well that building homes, even project homes, require a personal approach – which is Valley Homes’ speciality.

3. Developer checklist: questions to ask your multi-unit builder

It’s easy to understand why this article rated so high amongst our clients – multi-unit developments require a considerable financial investment, and as such as an astute client you can never do enough research. Plus, after building so many multi-unit developments, and being asked all sorts of questions along the way, our team knew they were in a good position to pool their years of experience to make the process as simple as possible for the next first-time, or even sixth of seventh time investor. It’s a great read if you’re thinking about investing in a multi-unit build.

Oakhampton Acreage Property House Design

2. Luxurious acreages in regional Australia

The appeal of regional living is on the rise; young families are tired of exhausting inner-city commutes, recent graduates are taking advantage of remote working opportunities, and empty-nesters are after a quiet space to call their own. Yes, many Australians are discovering that regional Hunter Valley towns have a lot to offer. With all this growing interest in the regional property market, luxury acreages are enjoying a well-deserved boom for both home builders and investors alike. Especially with improving infrastructure and access to top-level amenities. Are you ready for a tree change?

Drum roll if you please…

1. Fast-tracked approvals for dual occupancies

Coming in at number one, this article discusses some recent policy changes that make gaining approvals for dual occupancies quicker and easier. It was, and still is, an exciting development in the approval process for anyone with ample land and the means to make the most of it. Dual occupancy builds are especially appealing for inner-city Newcastle land owners, where available land to build is at a premium – so it is easy to see why this one got our clients talking the most. And if this year was anything to go by, this article will continue to guide investors throughout 2020 too.

Valley Homes corner dual occupancy project Hunter Valley Property Bloom
Photo courtesy of Property Bloom

Tell us what you want us to write about in 2020!

While clients have told us our team is pretty good at writing the types of articles they want to read, we understand that there are still many topics we haven’t covered, and some of those might be the ones you are eager to read about. So please tell us. Simply drop us line or speak to one of our team and just ask, “Can you please put some information together about…” and we’ll schedule it in. It’s that simple.

Valley Homes corner dual occupancy project Hunter Valley Property Bloom


The Hunter Valley continues to invite a lot of interest from all levels of property investment; from young families through to professional property developers one of the most requested developments in the Hunter is dual occupancies. This is why…

The perfect property storm for regional Australia

The recent Sydney and Melbourne housing boom pushed first home buyers and young families to explore more affordable lifestyle opportunities further afield, and took them to regional centres with solid career opportunities just like Newcastle and the Hunter Valley. In-turn this created a steady demand for home ownership and properties to rent in regional areas.

In addition to that, the current decline in the Sydney market means investors are also driven to investigate better value development options in regional markets that offer better returns on investment. This situation means both buyers and investors are choosing to spend their money in places like Newcastle and the Hunter Valley, which is why the land values and property prices are faring very well in this current market.

Duplex home design builder
Looking beyond Newcastle for property investment

Newcastle city offers a variety of employment prospects for a number of industries and can provide a coastal lifestyle with great access to first class amenities, all with a substantially smaller price-tag than that of Sydney. But while Newcastle continues to be a relatively stable and appealing property market, ideal for developments attracting sales or tenants, there is a nearby property player starting to make even bigger moves.

Through added infrastructure, such as the Hunter Expressway, economic opportunities through the growth of regional tourism, the wine industry, mining, and agriculture, plus luxurious lifestyles due to lower overheads and more affordable land values, the Hunter Valley is set to be one of Australia’s big regional performers.

Valley Homes builder newcastle hunter maitland duplex
Dual occupancies
in the Hunter Valley

It is definitely hard to deny the appeal that the Hunter Valley holds when you compare value for money on similar investments in city-based locations, particularly when the demand from families and first-homebuyers is steadily growing and land prices are holding their own. Basically, dual occupancies are a flexible and stable investment, which is why dual occupancies are the developer’s go-to for new home builders.

Many existing Hunter Valley homes are on a large block of land, as well as there being many generous size empty blocks available, which is why dual occupancies are so ideal. That is, buyers are attracted to new home affordability, and investors appreciate the relatively low risk investment that increases equity in the land for sale or rent, as well as provide opportunities to develop ongoing income streams.

Valley Homes builder newcastle hunter maitland duplex
resources for dual occupancies

There are a number of regional councils that make up the Hunter area, including Cessnock, Maitland, Dungog, Port Stephens, and nearby Newcastle. Each council has different processes and development requirements, that as local dual occupancy builders, we are very familiar with. Cessnock city council has some very helpful fact-sheets available to download: Urban dual occupancy, Rural dual occupancy, and Subdivision of rural land. Or on the Port Stephens Council website it states, “Dual occupancies can be subdivided where the resulting allotments meet the minimum lot sizes for the zone under the Local Environmental Plan 2013.

Detailed information such as this, which relates to regulations, highlights how important it is to know your local council requirements. As your local dual occupancy experts we can help you wade through all of the facts.

Valley Homes three Villa project Hunter Valley Property Bloom
Photo courtesy of Property Bloom

Dual occupancy vs Dual dwelling

Maitland City Council also services areas of the Hunter and its website has a variety of online forms and brief supportive information regarding DA Applications too, but another big question we get from clients after visiting council websites such as this is, “What is the difference between dual occupancy and dual dwelling properties?” Well, basically a dual dwelling refers to a small structure built in addition to the primary home, often referred to as a ‘granny flat’ or ‘studio/retreat’.

Dual dwellings or granny flats are standalone buildings and are usually self-contained with a small kitchen and bathroom, and usually have one or two bedrooms. But these structures must comply with size restrictions and as such must not exceed a set square meterage. Depending on your local council this is about 60m2 floor space. A dual dwelling is not as large as a standalone home, as is the case with a dual occupancy, and generally is not fit to sub divide.

Hunter Valley dual occupancy builders

Valley Homes have a lot of regionally specific dual occupancy information to share. Simply phone 02 49341400 or email and our specialist team will answer all of your dual occupancy questions.

We also have a range of articles outlining the benefits of building a dual occupancy. So, please have a read:

Subdivide, build, increase equity and achieve your property goals

The developer’s go-to: dual occupancy

Fast-tracked approvals for dual occupancy

Valley Homes builder newcastle hunter maitland duplex


Duplex builds have broad appeal across all demographics, are relatively low risk, and can offer solid returns, such as a dual income stream – and while ensuring you have an experienced builder managing your new build is essential, so too is finding the right block of land. So, let’s delve into the two main factors you need to consider when starting out with your duplex development – which suburb to build in and what type of block should you be seeking out.

 Choosing your duplex suburb

When choosing the most suitable suburb for your duplex build, both central and outer suburbs can hold great appeal. Outer suburbs can mean there is more available land to choose from, which often translates into less expensive land values. Plus, if you’re lucky, the block of land may have already been cleared or doesn’t have a structures on it to clear at all, meaning the knockdown and site preparation costs can be minimal.

However, while there are all those cost-positives about outer suburb duplex developments, the sales prices and rental returns will in most cases be less than you could expect to get on the same quality of build in a more centrally positioned development. You’ve heard it before, but location counts. Of course, sought after locations generally have a higher land value. So yes, those inner city and central developments may attract bigger resale and rental prices, but they also require a bigger investment in the first place.

Valley Homes Duplex builder house design Newcastle

In addition to that, a suitable block of land, one big enough for a duplex build, can be hard to come by in inner city locations where block sizes tend to be smaller. Also, finding an empty block of land is going to be near impossible. So, you will need to factor in clearing the land into your development budget. Another consideration is that a block of land which has an existing structure is often more expensive than an empty block of land – so that’s just something extra to keep in mind.

Essentially, inner or outer, the final decision is going to come down to your finances. That is, how much money do you want to pay for your block; a more modest budget may mean an outer suburb is going to be the best solution, but if you have a larger financial resource to draw on, then the potential sales prices and rental figures of a more centrally located duplex might lure your development closer to a city centre.

Keep in mind, to achieve the higher figures often seen in city sales, your buyers will have greater expectations for premium fittings and designs, to reflect the prime location. So, building a duplex with an experienced duplex builder who knows the ins-and-outs of the local buyer’s market is recommended.

Regardless of the suburb you end up selecting, be sure to take note of all the other services and amenities available in the local area. This will be a key selling tool later on. For example, if your local suburb has a University, a large regional hospital or medical centre, quick access to the Freeway, or a highly sought-after school, you will want to know this before any development build starts, so that you overall design can cater directly for that market, maximising the potential for your duplex investment to be a success.

Duplex home design builder

Finding your duplex block

Once you have your suburb sorted, finding the perfect block of land to build a duplex can be quite a challenge. As mentioned earlier, you may need to look for blocks that already have buildings on them, which can increase the land value. If that is the case, ideally you will be looking for properties on the market that have rundown houses on them. The less interest the market has in the house itself, the more favourable the price of the investment will be. The old adage rings true here. You want to be looking for the worst house ion the best block. Just make sure that block has the right sort of zoning you will require to build a duplex development.

On the other hand, you might be fortunate enough to find a decent size, empty block of land. And that would most likely be cheaper than a block with a building on it. But before you jump at it, make sure all of the site-specific features of your block suit a duplex build. If it has a heavy slope and/or has large trees on it, the site preparation or increased slab requirements may mitigate any savings you’ve made by buying an empty block.

Empty or not, the block needs to be big enough for a duplex build, and that generally translates to either width or length.

Valley Homes builder newcastle hunter maitland duplex


Here at Valley Homes we have an extensive range of duplex plans ready to view online, that outline the square metreage required, as well as the floorplans. Also, your local council will have minimum size requirements and distances from boundaries that you will need to adhere to – so do your homework ­– or simply talk to us, and we’ll help do it all for you

Dual Occupancy Home Designs Newcastle


Once a multi-unit build is underway, a developer and builder need to work closely together, possibly for an extended period of time, to achieve successful results. So, to establish a healthy building relationship from the outset, one that continues to deliver throughout the duration of a multi-unit development project, we suggest you ask your potential builder as many questions as possible. This includes questions about past clients, as well as sub-contractors and suppliers.

Reputation is a key indicator of performance

Establishing the builder’s reputation is not often achieved via direct questioning of the builder, but rather it is uncovered by asking the broader development community their opinions and knowledge of track records. The importance of how a builder is perceived can never be underestimated, especially when it comes to an investment as large as a multi-unit development.

After all, the building industry is no different to any other industry in Australia; people talk and dissatisfied people tend to talk the loudest. So, ask around, and if you start to hear negative buzz surrounding a builder, pay attention and do plenty of research relating to their suitability.


Drury St Jesmond Multi-unit development

Ask to see the builder’s portfolio

Ensuring a builder understands the style and unit designs required for a development is critical. If the builder specialises in a certain style, be it large scale off-the-plan projects or small bespoke unit designs, make sure it aligns to your style and investment plans. In addition to the many styles available, past multi-unit developments’ project size and budgets are other points to take note of when looking at a multi-unit developer’s portfolio.

Take special notice of materials, finishes, and the unit designs floor plans, which will all indicate the standards you can expect from them if a future development were to go ahead. And while photographic portfolios are a great place to start, try not to rely on portfolios such as these to answer all of your development questions. By visiting some of the completed projects that enjoy some similarities with your multi-unit development, and the specific unit designs, can help determine if that particular builder is up to the scope and budget of your multi-unit investment ambitions.


Their team will be your team, so get to know them

A multi-unit development is a complex and often multiple-staged project. As such, there are many more people involved beyond the core team of sales, drafting and builders. A multi-unit development builder will also rely on the skills of their sub-contractors, plus the quality of the materials sourced from their suppliers. So ask any potential builder who they work with and try to gauge if they have a good relationship with them. A long-term relationship with suppliers and sub-contractors is a good sign that the builder operates professionally, and in-turn it may indicate the potential for future developments’ success.

Drury St Jesmond Multi-unit development

Registrations and insurances are a must

All registered builders have builder registration numbers, so that is an easy and obvious check to make. Builder memberships can also be useful to know, as it can provide assurances of industry approved performance levels, and these include the likes of Master Builders Association etc.

Then there are insurances. These are critically important, legally and financially. A multi-unit development builder is required to have adequate public liability insurance, as well as construction insurance. And you must make sure your build is going to include a Home Warranty Insurance. Any reputable multi-unit builder will be more than willing to outline this information without any fuss.

Costs and payments, what is the builder’s process

Costs to build a multi-unit development rely on many factors and you should become familiar with all of them. It is vitally important for any investor to understand all of the clauses in the contracts and read the fine print. Importantly, before signing anything you should know what is included in the fees; ask if the surveying fees are included and if soil testing costs are covered. Find out what is the pricing structure and the processes relating to unit designs variations or changes to the schedule of work. Ask, what are the payment processes? Also, a percentage of the overall cost to build a multi-unit development is expected before work commences, and you should know exactly what the costs to build a unit are, up-front.

Don’t be afraid to get into the specifics either. Specifics could include invoicing procedures, plus payment terms and schedules, as well as establishing the expectation of finalising payments at the conclusion of the build during handover.

Drury St Jesmond Multi-unit development back yard

It’s easy, simply contact our experienced multi-unit team to arrange a meeting.

OR start completing your checklist for unit builders Newcastle right now by clicking the links below:

Hear from some of our recent clients

Browse our portfolio of recent projects

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Valley Homes 2 storey duplex Newcastle builder


As experienced duplex builders Valley Homes has been bringing to life a range of duplex designs for many years now. While the duplex plans and prices may vary depending on the block size, developer budgets, and build timeframes, one thing is always consistent for the developers – the location of their development underpins the project’s overall success.

Duplexes are as popular as ever in the Newcastle region

Duplexes in and around Newcastle are still steadily rising in popularity for many reasons, including reduced land availability and the rising cost of land. Duplexes are also still one of the best ways for a first time developer to enter the property market, and they are also an incredibly sound investment if you have chosen to build a duplex as a means of increasing the equity in your land. So duplexes have a lot going for them.

However, no matter how great your duplex designs are, or how attractive the affordability of duplex build costs are, choosing the best location to build your development is essential. Because as all experienced duplex builders will tell you, a duplex build needs to be servicing a demand for housing in the area in which it is being built. That is, having the land and the plans are one thing, but having the market demand is another requirement entirely. And this can be where it pays to look beyond city centres to the surrounding suburbs for your duplex success story.

Valley Homes builder newcastle hunter maitland duplex
Outer Newcastle suburbs continue to attract duplex developers

When deciding to build a duplex the position of the land, especially in terms of natural features, community services, and regional amenities, is paramount. Fortunately for the Newcastle region it definitely ticks a lot of boxes when you go through a builder or developer checklist, proving itself to be an ideal area to build, particularly due to the region’s fast growing economy and population.

But like all regional centres, Newcastle city itself makes up only a small part of the areas geography, and popular duplex and townhouse designs and prices are just as well-suited to surrounding suburbs that can offer greater land availability, more competitive block prices, and good proximity to other drawcards the region has to offer, beyond city-living appeal.

For years we have been working with many local developers to refine our cost to build a duplex, as well as our duplex designs. Over this time we have started to see new opportunities in a number of suburbs, suburbs that are being sought-after by the developers we are duplex builders for. The suburbs of Kahibah and Jesmond are just two of these rising regional stars, and they seem to be coming out on top for good reason…


Jesmond: beyond the student marketDrury St Jesmond Multi-unit development

The University of Newcastle is a major drawcard for Jesmond developers, particularly when it comes to duplex plans and prices targeted at providing student housing solutions. But a growing trend is seeing developers look beyond the student market to also service the thousands of staff that work at the University. After all, many Australian academics, as well as international professors, need a well-appointed place for their families that is also close to where they are working. Jesmond also has a shopping precinct, close proximity to a number of public parks, is next door to the new bypass, and is minutes from the freeway – making it an attractive suburb for property investment.

minutes from quiet beach escapes and the region’s biggest shopping centre

Kahibah is a town that is definitely on the move. It has great coastal access to Redhead and Dudley beaches, is only a stone’s throw away from Glenrock lagoon, including its walking and bike tracks, and Kahibah is neighbours to Charlestown, which boast a massive shopping and entertainment centre. Plus, only a few minutes on the Pacific Highway in the opposite direction will take you to Newcastle’s city centre. Yes, Kahibah is a central location and so it follows that duplex builders, like us, are seeing unprecedented interest from developers who are requesting information on the cost to build a duplex in the town. This seems especially true for families and first-time developers who recognise the opportunities in Kahibah’s generous sized blocks that also happen to be well-suited to our extensive range of duplex designs.

Valley Homes Duplex builder house design NewcastleDuplex designs Newcastle
, Kahibah, Jesmond…

Valley Homes has ten complete duplex plans and prices ready for local developers to start their build. The collection includes townhouse designs and prices, as well as single level duplex designs, featuring a variety of facades, finishes and fixtures. And of course, we can customise duplex plans and prices depending on the individual developer requirements.

Our team of duplex builders know Newcastle. We know the ins-and-outs of duplex build costs and we know outstanding duplex designs. Plus, we also know what is already working for the region’s top developers. So contact us today to find out how our expertise can help your duplex plans become a reality.

Interested in duplexes in and around Newcastle: take a look at some of our recent duplex builds